International Conference in Trier und Maria Laach (June 2-5, Juni 2025)
Program | Poster (European format)
Program | Poster (US format)
Location: Deutsches Liturgisches Institut
Weberbach 72a
54290 Trier
Participation via livestream is possible (The link will be sent to all registered participants a few days before the
Registration: Registration fee¹: 25 €
Registration fee and meals¹¹: 161 €
Participation via livestream: free
Registration form
(¹ includes: Conference folder; Bus transfer to Maria Laach and back to Trier on Wednesday, coffee)
(¹¹ includes: dinner on Monday; lunch and dinner on Tuesday; lunch on Wednesday; lunch and festive dinner
on Thursday)
Payment information:
Please transfer the conference fee to the following account by May 19, 2025:
Bischöfliches Priesterseminar Trier
IBAN: DE 69 3706 0193 3000 185 018
(PAX Bank Trier)
Reference: Kostenstelle 1150340 Bible, Life and Worship, Conference fee for (name)
Please note: Your registration is only valid after receipt of payment.
Bible, Life, and Worship. The Liturgical and the Biblical Movement in the German Speaking Area and the US in Comparison
In the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, the Liturgical Movement and the Biblical Movement pursued the goal of bringing about a renewal of Christian life based on the liturgy and the Bible. The Liturgical Movement was not controlled centrally but was promoted by men and women in the individual countries, who influenced each other across national borders. However, especially their transatlantic relations and contacts as well as the functioning of the international networks, are largely unknown because American and German research on the Liturgical Movement hardly perceive each other.
For this reason, central topics will be addressed from both the American and German-speaking sides and then discussed together, so that common lines and country-specific characteristics emerge and form an overall picture.
The conference mainly focuses on these research questions:
What transformation did the Liturgical Movement undergo in its reception to the USA and why?
How did the Liturgical and Biblical Movements relate to each other (e.g. preaching)?
What contribution did women make to the Liturgical Movement on both sides of the Atlantic, in what areas and how?
The individual aspects are examined against their political, social and cultural backgrounds, as well as being placed in an ecumenical context.
The „Deutsches Liturgisches Institut“ in Trier and Maria Laach Abbey provide the academic framework for exchange and research.
Forschungsaufenthalt in den Collegeville und Washington

In Collegeville, Minnesota, dem Zentrum der Liturgischen Bewegung in den USA, hielt Prof. Benini einen Vortrag am Godfrey Diekmann Center zum Thema: “Imbued with the Liturgical Spirit” (Virgil Michel OSB) – The Relationships of the German and the American Liturgical Movement." (Aufzeichnung) Dabei ging er auch die verschiedenen Weisen ein, wie die Beziehungen entstanden sind: durch persönliche Besuche der Collegeviller Benediktiner Virgil Michel und Godfrey Diekmann in Maria Laach, durch Einwanderung oder durch Publikationen und Übersetzungen. Außerdem wurde das Zusammenwirken der liturgischen und der biblischen Bewegung für die Predigt bei Parsch und auf den National Liturgical Weeks thematisiert. Ein Schwerpunkt bildete die intensive Zusammenarbeit zwischen Johannes Wagner als Leiter des Liturgischen Instituts in Trier und Godfrey Diekmann.
Benini forschte im Archiv und fand zahlreiche Korrespondenz zwischen den Benediktinerabteien Collegeville und Maria Laach. Außerdem traf er in Collegeville und in Washington mit ehemaligen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern der Summer School und Kollegen zusammen, die 2025 zur internationalen Tagung im Juni 2025 nach Trier kommen werden. Mit Prof. Michael Witczak (CUA), Mercator Fellow im Projekt, wurden zahlreiche inhaltliche und organisatorische Punkte diskutiert.